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Mens Rights

It is a growing problem that men today are marginalised for their maleness. It is the aim of this site to educate and enlighten, to be Pro-Gender. Regardless of the high sounding ideals, when one group opresses another those with evil intent will take advantage.

Friday, August 05, 2005

bbc.co.uk - Relationships - Hitting Home - Men as victims of domestic violence

bbc.co.uk - Relationships - Hitting Home - Men as victims of domestic violence: "Men have exactly the same rights as women to be safe in their own homes. All statutory services (such as the Police, Crown Prosecution Service, Housing Department and Social Services) have a duty to provide services to all - male or female. Men are protected by exactly the same laws as women - anyone who has assaulted another person, regardless of the gender of either, can be prosecuted. If you are a man experiencing domestic violence and you need emergency help you can call the Police on 999."