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Mens Rights

It is a growing problem that men today are marginalised for their maleness. It is the aim of this site to educate and enlighten, to be Pro-Gender. Regardless of the high sounding ideals, when one group opresses another those with evil intent will take advantage.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

While most of us desire truth, kindness and freedom sufficient extreamist groups want something else - this is how they get it:


Extreamist Feminist Tactics ...

1. Portray feminism as being altruistic, and something that plays an important part in the democratic process. Then accentuate any injustice or hardships being endured by females, while ignoring any injustice or hardships being endured by males.

2. Highlight any advantages or successes of feminism, while hiding the many disadvantages and failures. State that feminism has given women more choice, while hiding the fact that so many women are now welfare dependant, and have very little choice.

3. Attempt to portray females positively, by portraying males negatively. This enables females to appear superior to males, without having to provide direct proof.

4. Accentuate or publicise any wrongdoing by a male, or attempt to portray this male as being representative of all males. Ignore any wrongdoings by a female, or state that it was caused by a male.

5. Portray women as being perpetually disadvantaged and victimised, as this helps prevent any unwanted criticism of women, and makes it easier for women to get more money. Ignore the fact that many women have now become highly dependant upon these sources of money.

6. Use highly biased studies and statistics to positively portray women. This normally involves “interviewing the cat and not the dog” type studies that result in biased conclusions, or it involves suppressing or ignoring any study that gives negative conclusions regards women.

7. Make continuous and repetitive use of the term “women and children”, but never the term “men and children”. This helps to create a belief that men cannot be proper parents, and men cannot be with children.

8. Blame males for as many problems as possible, as this transfers responsibility for those problems onto males, and hides the fact that females may be partly or fully responsible for those problems occurring. Transferring responsibility also relieves females from having to find workable solutions to those problems.

9. Exaggerate! Begin by saying that certain situations occur sometimes, and then increase this to often, then most of the time, then all the time (EG. “All Men are Liars”, “All Men are Rapists”, “All Men are Wife and Child Bashers” etc). Include boys as well (EG. “Boys are Stupid, Throw Rocks at Boys”, “Boys are Smelly” etc).

10. Proclaim the necessity for equal opportunity at work, while being highly selective on where women should work. This helps ensure that women undertake the more desirable types of work.

11. State that women are highly maternalistic and greatly concerned about children. Then ignore the fact that many women have become very materialistic and highly preoccupied with self. Ignore the fact that children are being increasingly raised by the state, in state funded child minding centres, schools etc.

12. Portray women as being the “family makers” and greatly concerned about family life. Ignore the fact that many families are now being broken up by women in an endeavour to find greater self-fulfilment outside of family life. Ignore the fact that any self-fulfilment outside of family life, is usually much less than what can be found within family life, and the breaking up of families normally affects the lives of many other people, particularly those of children.

13. Attribute social problems to patriarchy, while ignoring the fact that that most societies have developed from patriarchy. Ignore the fact that very little is known about matriarchal societies, as most have disintegrated so rapidly.

14. Teach feminism to the young, as this helps to perpetuate feminism. The young are more gullible and easier to indoctrinate, and by the time they are old enough to realise the deceptions, another generation would have been indoctrinated in the interim.

15. Dismiss or ignore any criticism of feminism, but if a reply to criticism does become necessary, then make liberal use of one-line put downs (EG. “Grow up”, “Get a life”, “You have to be kidding”, “Get real” etc), or include the term “domestic violence legislation” to try and silence any further criticism. Label any correspondence that is critical of feminism as being “hate mail”, so there is minimal obligation to reply.

16. State that women have a right to speak their minds, then oppose any male who speaks his mind regards feminism or the modern woman. Label this male as being sexist, chauvinistic, or belonging to a radical men’s group.

17. Oppose any stereotyping or vilification of the female gender, then attempt to stereotype and vilify the male gender as much as possible. If a male questions this hypocrisy, then state that any stereotyping or vilification was only a joke, and feminism is actually altruistic, and plays an important part in the democratic process.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Mensactivism.org | Woman Charged With Falsely Accusing 6 Men Of Rape

Mensactivism.org | Woman Charged With Falsely Accusing 6 Men Of Rape: "A 29-year-old Orange County woman has been charged with falsely accusing six men of kidnapping her at gunpoint and raping her. An indictment returned by an Orange County grand jury also accuses Tamara Anne Moonier with fraudulently receiving more than $1,800 from a state emergency fund for crime victims. Authorities said Moonier went to the Fullerton Police Department on June 6 to report that she had been abducted outside a bar at gunpoint, taken to an unknown location and raped. Police said one of the men Moonier had accused provided a tape showing she had orchestrated the sexual encounter.'"

Friday, July 22, 2005

Million Dads March Network Homepage

Million Dads March Network Homepage: "You are here because you know something. You can’t explain what you know, but you feel it. Deep inside you have always known. Something is terribly wrong with the world."

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Men's Movement and Men's Rights - Fathers For Justice

Men's Movement and Men's Rights - Fathers For Justice: "Tony Blair promised that if he was elected to government the people would get a government that was open and honest. What a liar and a deceiver he turned out to be."

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Mens Rights Agency

Mens Rights Agency: "Men Step Aside, The Rad-Fems Are Set To Win the Culture War http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2005/0105roberts.html - Wednesday, 5th January 2005 By Carey Roberts If you want to understand the Culture War, you need to appreciate the ideology, methods, and goals of radical feminism. And to understand feminism, you must understand Marxist philosophy and the history of the Soviet Union. On this last point, I recommend Joshua Muravchik's highly-readable book, Heaven on Earth. Future historians will note the Culture War took an important turn in the November 2 elections. Sensing their political standing was on the wane, the Leftists decided to pull out all the stops in a last-ditch effort to reverse the course of history. Of course they lost the gamble, and now the Leftists are seething with bitterness and rage. But in another sense, the battle has only just begun. To this point in time, most Americans have been bystanders in the conflict, hoping the struggle for America's soul would somehow leave their own lives unscathed. There is more to the Culture War than radical feminism, of course. David Horowitz at the Center for the Study of Popular Culture has charted the broad outlines of that multi-faceted conflict. But probe the inner workings of the Leftist movement, and there you will find a feminist heartbeat, pumping hard and strong. We have now passed the point of no return. Too many unborn children have been felled at the abortionist's hand. Too many infants are warehoused in day care centers. Too many women have been ridiculed for heeding their maternal instincts. And too many men have been unfairly stereotyped and falsely accused. Feminist philosophy now envelopes the mainstream media and the academy. The divisive voice of the Sisterhood can be heard as well in our workplaces, schools, and even in our homes. Not even our religious beliefs are immune. Feminists view religion in general, and Christianity in" -------------------- Men Step Aside, The Rad-Fems Are Set To Win the Culture War http://www.ifeminists.net/introduction/editorials/2005/0105roberts.html - Wednesday, 5th January 2005 By Carey Roberts If you want to understand the Culture War, you need to appreciate the ideology, methods, and goals of radical feminism. And to understand feminism, you must understand Marxist philosophy and the history of the Soviet Union. On this last point, I recommend Joshua Muravchik's highly-readable book, Heaven on Earth. Future historians will note the Culture War took an important turn in the November 2 elections. Sensing their political standing was on the wane, the Leftists decided to pull out all the stops in a last-ditch effort to reverse the course of history. Of course they lost the gamble, and now the Leftists are seething with bitterness and rage. But in another sense, the battle has only just begun. To this point in time, most Americans have been bystanders in the conflict, hoping the struggle for America's soul would somehow leave their own lives unscathed. There is more to the Culture War than radical feminism, of course. David Horowitz at the Center for the Study of Popular Culture has charted the broad outlines of that multi-faceted conflict. But probe the inner workings of the Leftist movement, and there you will find a feminist heartbeat, pumping hard and strong. We have now passed the point of no return. Too many unborn children have been felled at the abortionist's hand. Too many infants are warehoused in day care centers. Too many women have been ridiculed for heeding their maternal instincts. And too many men have been unfairly stereotyped and falsely accused. Feminist philosophy now envelopes the mainstream media and the academy. The divisive voice of the Sisterhood can be heard as well in our workplaces, schools, and even in our homes. Not even our religious beliefs are immune. Feminists view religion in general, and Christianity in particular, as hopelessly patriarchal. So they have sought to marginalize religion, forcing persons to think twice before they exclaim, "Merry Christmas!" There is little about contemporary feminism that can legitimately be viewed as promoting gender equality. Now, the quest for equality has been replaced by neo-Marxist rhetoric of female "liberation" and "empowerment." Last week columnist Lyndia Lovric at the Winnipeg Sun launched this salvo: "One of the biggest lies perpetuated by modern-day feminists is the contention that feminism is about equality. Feminists aren't interested in equality. What they want is revenge." Visit the websites of the National Organization for Women or the Feminist Majority, and you will see the feminist utopia will not be a world that takes kindly to men. What worries me most is the feminist hegemony at the United Nations. There, feminists rely on a "top-down" strategy to impose their ideology on countries throughout the world. It began with CEDAW, the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women. Now fem-socialist ideology permeates many of the UN agencies. To put this in historical perspective, a mere 20 years ago, 70 countries around the world considered themselves to be Communist, socialist, or social democratic. Then in 1991 the Soviet Empire imploded. Now socialism is receding in all corners of the globe. But I predict the struggle to counter feminism will be more difficult than the fight against Communism. Why? Because while socialism relied on political, economic, and military tactics, feminism targets the chinks in persons' emotional armor. It preys on women's sense of fear and anger, and on men's feelings of guilt and shame. Have you ever wondered why the Leftists are so intent on enacting speech codes and so-called "hate speech" laws? Because freedom of speech poses the most formidable obstacle to the continued metastasis of Political Correctness. And therein lies the secret to winning the Culture War. So here's a New Year's Resolution for all of us. I admit, it's deceptively simple: Speak out. Call your elected officials. Write a letter to the editor. Sound off. Complain. Be heard. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Exercise your First Amendment rights. Our consciences are insisting that we cannot afford to remain as silent onlookers while the Culture War continues to rage. Me? I'm doing this for the sake of my kids and grandchildren.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'I lost my job because I was a man playing with children'

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'I lost my job because I was a man playing with children': "Philip Bennison, 55, from Cambridge, has been married for 33 years to Jane and has six children and eight grandchildren. He ran a printing business for 20 years, did youth work for 25 years and completed nine courses in caring for children. Here he tells Gill Swain why he believes men are right to avoid working with children "

Thursday, July 14, 2005

resources for fathers

resources for fathers: "# Families Need Fathers – 134 Curtain Road, London EC2A 3AR England. Telephone: 011 44 0207 613 5060). Visit their website address at http://www.fnf.org. # Fathers Direct, Britain's first online magazine for all dads. Fathers Direct, Herald House, Lambs Passage, Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TQ, 020 7920 9491 or t.beardshaw@fathersdirect.com or www.fathersdirect.com (4/01) # FatherWork, the UK's National Network for Everyone Working With Fathers. FatherWork promotes effective support services for all fathers across the country. It is a key resource for practice, policy and research agencies - and for fathers themselves. We offer: seminars and regional conferences; training and consultancy on father-sensitive services; quarterly newsletter;good practice, tips and analysis; briefing papers about key issues; and, databases of services and resources You cannot afford not to subscribe if you want to be informed about work with fathers. Fathers Direct, Herald House, Lambs Passage, Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TQ, 020 7920 9491 or t.beardshaw@fathersdirect.com or www.fathersdirect.com (4/01) # MK Family Rights Initiative - Visit its website at www.MKfamilyhuman-rights.org. Its e-mail address is MK.familyrights@ntlword.com # The Cheltenham Group – Acts as an advocate of men’s rights issues through publishing, research and lobbying. Visit its website at www.c-g.org.uk. Its e-mail address is bpw@c-g.org.uk. # UK Men’s Movement – This organization campaigns and lobbies for the protection of equitable rights for men and publishes a quarterly publication that explores men’s rights issues. Visit its website at www.ukmm.org.uk # Working with Men is a non-profit organization that supports the development of work with men through resources, publications, training, consultancy and advice and has a network of trainers and consultants with substantial experience working with men. Working with Men, 320 Commercial Way, London SE15 1QN, 020.7732.9409 or w"

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Helping Post-Abortive Men

Helping Post-Abortive Men: "A post-abortive man seemingly may be uninvolved and unaffected by the abortion of his child, but many find they too pay a toll. Sociologist Arthur Shostak observed in an article fo The Family Connector that three out of four mail respondents studied said they had a difficult time with the aboriton experience. A sizeable minority reported persistent day and night dreams about the aborted child with guilt, remorse, and sadness."

Monday, July 11, 2005

King of Peace - Tribune & Georgian Religion Column

King of Peace - Tribune & Georgian Religion Column: "What does 'There is no longer male and female' mean to us? If we say it means that there is no difference at all between men and women that we have missed the point biologically as well as theologically. However, if we say these words mean that all of us, male and female, are equal in God's eyes, then we are hitting at the heart of the theological statement, the understanding of God, that Paul was trying to convey.

Treating someone else as if they are equal to you in God's eyes may not sound so radical at first, but try living it out and see what you think.

(The Rev. Frank Logue is pastor of King of Peace Episcopal Church in Kingsland.) "

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Men Helping Men.

Men Helping Men.: "Learn about the full range of emotional, verbal, and physical behaviors men use to control their partners."

This vile and offensive slap-in-the-face masquerades as a site to help men but is, in fact, little more than feminazi attack on the very people they claim to help.

They offer a "men's helpline" but it's not to offer men who have been beaten or raped by women support but to help men "control their own violence".

It's sick. A total travesty.

The site should be taken down and purged from all memory. Who do these people think they are helping? I can do without the sort of help that condems a person as violent because of colour, race, creed or gender.

Are they so brainwashed by feminist lies that they do not know that men have real problems and not these made up "issues"?


Studies show that between 30% and 75% of men will be coerced into sex by a female by the age of 25. Do they help these people?

UK Home office figures show that slightly more men then women are victims of domestic violence each year but do they advocate Mens Refuges?

Of course not.

They are nothing but puppets. These people would be more likely to sell me an on line mortgage quote, credit cards, suspect performance enhancing drugs and other things I would never be so stupid to buy than offer me any real help.

These people are part of the matriarchal problem in the west.

In short they are anti-men.

Breaking the shackles of feminism #1

Breaking the shackles of feminism | Turnabout: "People are worried about oppression. Did your grandfather spend his whole life oppressing your grandmother? When you read old books — Jane Austin or whatever — does it strike you that the men are always abusing the women? History is presented as one long story of oppression. Everyone who gets a chance becomes an oppressor. If that’s so, why think things will get better once we tell equality commissions to run everything?"

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Discrimination against men in the UK - A Full List

Discrimination against men in the UK: "There can be no greater folly or degeneracy than to provide further support, via Ministers for Women etc, to the most privileged group in our society - women - while denying the disadvantaged, suppressed and persecuted group - men - any representation at all. Feminism is about women getting something for nothing.

The question of whether 'feminism has gone too far' is perhaps less important than 'why feminism was established at all'. Feminism is an aberration, like nazism & communism - a blight on our society."

This is London | News

This is London | News: "Two female teachers have been suspended for allegedly having a threesome with a 16-year-old male pupil. But police are understood not to have pressed charges because the teenager did not complain of any crime."

Or to put it another way, he was a boy (male).

Men's Movement Organizations in the USA

st for the men whose rights are abused in the big ol' US of A: Men's Movement Organizations in the USA and Cananda

Mens Rights - the testosterone aproach

Mens Rights: "1) Men have the Right to remain SILENT, even if she wants to 'share.' 2) Men have the Right to watch PORN, competition inspires. 3) Men have the Right to, and the need for SPEED, woman have the Right lane and need to stay in it. 4) Men have the Right to anything that EXPLODES: Guns, Fireworks, Video-Games, Orgasms... 5) Men have the Right to LAUGH, even if she's crying. 6) Men have the Right to KILL all other species, by any means neccessary. (Blow us PETA) 7) Men have the Right to POWER: Financial Power, Political Power, and Horse Power. 8) Men have the Right to control their own MONEY: Poker is an investment strategy. Lap Dances are financial aid. 9) A woman had the Right to change her mind, A Man has the Right to tell her she's full of SHIT. 10) Feminist modification cannot replace natural evolution. Men have the Right to be MEN!"

Monday, July 04, 2005


Notices: "To: PAS Network From: Richard Gardner People are continually asking me what they can do to help PAS families. Here are two things that can be done now.

1) Inter-rater reliability studies. PAS needs studies that will assess objectively, with statistical analysis, whether PAS is truly a syndrome. I profess that the syndrome does exist, and does so in accordance with the strictest medical/psychiatric definition of the term. Some critics claim that the syndrome does not exist, that it is merely a figment of my imagination. Inter-rater reliability studies are the best way to come to a definitive conclusion regarding this controversy. If any of you know of a graduate student looking for a research project, recommend such a study for the student's consideration. Those of you who supervise graduate students in university settings might consider such a study for a student. I myself cannot conduct such a study because of potential bias.

2) This is a big one: PAS needs a foundation, a foundation specifically devoted to the PAS and nothing else. PAS needs a foundation to do all the things that a foundation can do, things that individuals cannot do working independently. The ideal person to fund such a foundation would be someone who not only has the enormous amount of money necessary to fund it but who is also a victim of a spouse's PAS indoctrinations. Such a person will 'have been there' and knows personally the grief and suffering PAS causes. Keep this in mind in the course of your travels. Because PAS is so widespread--a problem of international scope--there must be some philanthropist, somewhere, who qualifies. Perhaps there are a few such individuals who would pool their resources. The people in the PAS Network are doers. They recognize that things don't just happen, that there must be people who make things happen. Accordingly, we must "

UK Law and PAS

What is the Judicial Recourse?

There is an increase in the alienated parent turning to the legal profession and the courts if all other methods have failed. They feel justice must surely prevail when an independent Judge is made aware of PAS. This is now common in the United States, but less so in the UK. Judges are naturally influenced by a number of traditions and are unaware in many cases, of the effects of PAS. These traditions are:

1. Mothers on the whole, are thought more suitable than fathers of having custody of the children.
2. The older children should have the final say about whom to be with. This does not, however, consider the programming which the alienated parent has carried out beforehand.
3. In the case of a younger child, many Judges again favour the mother as main custodian or sole custodian, all things being equal. If they favour the other parent they may well be viewed as unfair.
4. Sometimes Judges will recommend family therapy or some involvement of psychiatrists, paediatricians or clinical psychologists to assess and treat the conflict between opposing parents. These professionals also often fail to respond to the PAS which has eliminated or reduced the role being played by the alienated parent. They, too, may put too much emphasis on what children say they want, being unaware of PAS.

It is vital that decisions are made which are fair and just for all concerned. PAS cannot be allowed to prevent one capable but hostile parent from depriving another stable and capable parent of their parenting role. Any parent who practises PAS must ultimately be dealt with severely by the court. PAS is a kind of brainwashing which leads to suffering for all concerned, either in the short or long-term. Both parents must be viewed as having the right and the obligation to play a vital role on the care, guidance and love provided for their children.

The judiciary must realize that many potential litigious parents who have been the victims of adverse brainwashing of their children give up the fight. They do this for a variety of practical reasons including:

1. The feeling that they are doing more harm to their children than good by fighting over them.
2. Lack of financial resources.
3. The view that they simply do not think they can win against a determined, alienating former parent.
4. It takes much determination and is extremely time consuming, when one is already fully stretched in earning a living in order to provide for the children.

It is unfortunate that many children view the fact that a parent does not fight for them in the courts, as a rejection of them by that parent. It is time to redress the balance.